As of Tuesday 30th November mask wearing will (thankfully) be made mandatory in shops and public transport. This handy info graphic tells you if you’re wearing it wrong* 😑
*To clarify it goes over your mouth and nose holes at the same time
Colour Friday is coming! This year, instead of Christmas shopping on boring Black Friday, put the colour back in your life by shopping with indie businesses on the newly-named Colour Friday! It's a thing! DID YOU KNOW: Shockingly, half of all UK small businesses are genuinely worried about not surviving in 2022 (How the heck they'll be able to afford their trip into space AND pay their taxes, who knows.) 90% of Brits polled by Holly & Co in 2021 claimed they care about the future of small independent businesses. Put this together and what have you got? The potential for some real social change, that's what. Amazon, Dyson, Shein and Currys will survive this year if we don't buy...
Help me reach my target and I'll plant BUNCHES of trees! This month I want to do something GOOD FOR THE PLANET while also encouraging you to shop with me in the run up to the Christmas period. Fans of Embers and Ink will already know that I'm partnered with the environmental organisation Ecologi and through them I: fund the planting of 12 trees each month fund additional trees to be planted for every £8 I earn at Well in November, I'm promising to go one better. After being inspired by other small businesses on Instagram who have been tracking their sales towards a target, I decided to get in on the action and do it myself. I've set...
Save the Date!
The next Christmas market I‘ll be at is the Nether Edge Christmas Market on Sunday 5th December 2021 at Nether Edge in Sheffield.
The Nether Edge market is always a great event so I’m looking forward to seeing you there.
It’s always been a busy market, so please bring and wear your mask when you are shopping and walking around the venue to help keep me, you and everyone else as safe and healthy as possible.
See you there, at the Nether Edge crossroads leading to Glen Road, Sheffield.
Send even more love in this second pandemic Christmas season With restrictions easing and life seeming to get back to a more 'normal' state of affairs (whatever that means), it's easy to start thinking that the pandemonium of 2020 is far behind us. In reality we all know that we still need to act with caution, especially in the Winter time with other seasonal illnesses bandying around! So this year, there will probably be a bunch of people you still won't see - either at all, or very often. Maybe you'll just see them on Skype or FaceTime. But that doesn't mean you can't send a super-special moment to them. This year, don't just send a card with a quick...